31 July, 2011

aloooooooha Tokyo

Yes. another Tokyo weekend (well four days to be exact).

Performed at a Polynesian festival. The festival had such a great vibe and the atmosphere was awesome. Great day and weekend chilling out with the whanau, eating, eating and more eating with a bit of singing and shopping blended into the mix.

Te roopu kapa haka o nga hau e wha

hana hands & Maile leis

Hawaiian kisses


Learnings from the week/end...

  • eating curry while wearing a white top quadruples your chance of spilling said curry down the front of said white top.
  • believe in yourself, and remember this and remember to praise yourself when you feel you've done good.
  • that not trying so hard is usually what works.
  • don't be shy or afraid to speak up and say what you want or think. Opportunities come to those who knock, call out and then enter!
  • make time for yourself, even if it's only an hour or so. Enjoy that time - it's important for a healthy, balanced lifestyle.
  • don't be so hard on yourself...get over it...assess the situation, make a realistic action plan and stick to it.
  • that music and exercise are fuel for the soul.
  • I possess infinite possibilities and potential.
Things I am doing this week....

Making a finance action plan and sticking to it

Unpacking my bag from my weekend Tokyo trip

Cleaning my house (seriously how often is this on my list?!)

Cleaning my car - ok this has been on my list for some time now... I will do it this week

Turning off the computer earlier and going to bed at a semi reasonable hour to read (one of the million magazines i have) or write or sleep!

Detoxing! After a weekend of indulgence my body and mind need a detox...more details on that to follow!

Going to the gym at least 3 times this week...

A beautiful hula to a beautiful Maori song. Sums up my weekend perfectly.

Poice, mahalos and alohas.

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