27 November, 2012


Things I'm loving right now..

- taking time off from all my extra-curricular activities and just chilling out at home doing things I've been meaning to do (like blogging, backing up files, baking etc.) and enjoying it!

- caramel lattes sachets. With the weather cooling off, there's nothing quite like sitting at my desk, on the couch or reclining in bed with a nice hot caramel latte marking students work, reading or pintresting!

- skin foods argan oil hair masks. I was given a few samples to try when I last went to skin food. All I can say is that they are AMAZE. As soon as I put it in my hair it felt silky smooth, and after drying & straightening it stays silky, smooth and healthy! I will be back to buy more!

- learning how to feel confident in who I am and comfortable enough in my own skin to go for what I want without feeling insecure, inadequate or undeserving. This is a process and I'm working on it!

- the color coral! I'm not a big fan of pink, but this orangey/pinky hue has swayed me! It's making an appearance in my wardrobe in the form of a new beautiful scarf from H&M that I want to wear all the time and a new pair of rugby boots.

Remember to take a moment and love.


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