Happy New Year and all that jazz!
I've been trying to work on a new year post, but haven't quite got there yet - so will try and do that a bit later on..in the mean time my week in a pretty big nutshell.
Having been back in Japan for 1 week and 1 day I'm finally starting to get back into some form of my routine. I spent a nice month on vacation back home in NZ and I have come back feeling refreshed and with a nice healthy summer time glow!
Since I've been back, I've been pretty busy. Having a work conference for three days after I got back - and commuting to the city and back every day for it - that sure took it's toll. From my door to the conference took at least and hour and a half and included a car ride, walk, train ride and then a tram ride!
I had my first lesson of the year following the conference - so my first visit back to school. I really missed my kids and being in the class room. I realised that I only have one more class with my third graders until they graduate for high school - I think I'm going to be a mess in that class and at graduation. Waterproof mascara will be essential!! They were amazing for me this week. I didn't plan anything for their lesson and we ended up doing a reading test but they were so into it and amazing, I was smiling and laughing the whole way through the class as they tired to impress me with their reading and acting skills - great way to start back for the year. Oh my heart!
I also went snowboarding yesterday - I am a weak, aching mess today, but I had the most amazing time on the mountain yesterday. I haven't been boarding for a while so took a few runs down the beginners slope to get my back into the swing of things, and I have to give credit to my friend the Baller for teaching me a few things. I'm really happy at how much I have improved and how much more confidence I have now compared to last time! However the combination of getting up at 5am to be there by 8 boarding all day, falling over multiple times (smashing a knee and winding myself pretty bad twice) and them driving all the way home has taken its toll. I have had 3 baths today (one was at 6am this morning) and the voltaren gel is working in overdrive. I think I will call it a night pretty early!
Things that I loved this week...
- homemade bath soak - a few (OK about 15) drops of eucalyptus oil, a squirt of baby oil and the peel of a Japanese yuzu orange! I was given the orange a while back by a teacher who said to put it in the bath but I always forgot because I buy the most delsih salts from Muji. Anyway I was looking a little shrivelled on the window sill but it seemed OK, so I peeled it directly over the bath (don't want to waste and of the oil that comes from the skin) and then dropped it into the bath. It was amazing. I came out smelling lightly citrusy (not eucalyptusy) and my body was moisturised and soft by the baby oil. I'll be doing this more often!
- making homemade pumpkin soup with brown buns.
- the new nail colour I got from skinfood. Its a glittery gold and looks really good over my other favorite tan colored polish.
- Don Quijote. It's always full of super fun stuff and I always find great things. Before I went home for Christmas I went and did some last minute shopping there and doing these awesome My Melody World Series face packs...and they had a New Zealand one with My Melody wearing a puipui and pare! I bought all they had in a store that day for gifts, and I was delighted when i went again this week that they had more! I also got the Japanese and Spanish version for myself! I also got an interesting energy drink (but I didn't drink it - just taste) because the packaging was interesting - Lady Panther!!
- being almost 2 months redbull (and other energy drinks) free!
- going to hot yoga. First time in a while and it was nice to flush out all the toxins from my holiday. Back to good eating habits and a regular running/exercise routine!