28 May, 2013

Saturday & Sunday things

I'm a little behind on posting, but I'll start here and fill in the blanks when I have time..

Saturday I spent having a wonderful & well over due sleep in - trust my body clock to wake me up at 7am but I forced myself back to sleep till 10! Skyped my parents & leisurely did my hair and makeup (talk about luxury!) before heading out to the annual Onomichi Film Festival. The film festival was great fun, some awesome short films and commercials from some very creative people, the burgers at the venue were divine and it was nice to catch up with old friends, oh and eat some delish Onomichi ramen! The short film I submitted (which has consumed so much of my time) was really well received and I'm really happy at how it turned out!

Sunday was spent hitting the snooze button on my alarm, lunch date with the BMM's first lady at a cute cafe in the city, walking around taking pics of graffiti and then heading out to the stadium to watch rugby. A beautiful afternoon to sit in the sun and watch hot boys with sexy legs run around in short shorts! A spot of shopping on my way home (will post my haul later) and a ice soy latte from starbucks for my train ride home sounded out a lovely relaxing weekend. Oh and I have a small tan forming, excited - beach time soon!


I can't stop shopping!

Here's my haul from my Sunday session..

Argan Oil Silk Hair Mask Pack by Skinfood. This stuff is amazing. I got a few free samples and was hooked instantly. It's a must have! I hope they ship internationally for when I move! If you haven't tried Skinfoods products yet, I highly recommend you do. All their products are amazing. My absolute favorite product apart from the above hair mask is the black sugar facial scrub. 

Forme Acne Care Oil Cut Base (for strawberry nose). This is a new product for me to try. I have really big pores on my nose and when I wear makeup it really shows up. This cream is supposed to smooth over the surface of your nose and reduce the visibility of pores. I had a quick play tonight when I got home but the real test will be tomorrow after I put on my makeup. 

Hello Kitty phone recharger. My phone died when I was in the city on the weekend (ok I run out everyday!) so I finally decided to buy a rechargeable battery pack. And I couldn't resist this super cute one! I don't know why it took me do long to get one..time to stop using     my phone so much!

Nail seals & gold nail tape. I've never been big on doing my own nails but since coming to Japan and seeing all the cute things there are to decorate your nails with, not to mention the plethora of colours and all so cheap! 

Dnails gel look topcoat. I've been looking for a good gel topcoat. The last one I tried wasn't too gel looking and this one had a fancy display at the shop, seeing as I can't read most of what it says it's packaging and shiny things all the way!

Fuji Film instax mini Polaroid film. I'm burning through the last lot of polaroid film I got, doesn't help that there's only 10 pics per packet. Too bad Donquijote doesn't stock the film in colours other then white. 

Fan-tastic volume mascara. This is my first time using a Japanese mascara & I have to say I like it! It's not waterproof which is great (& hard to find here!). I think I'm hooked! 

I still have to update my haul from Tokyo & Osaka...maybe I'll save that for this weekend!


11 May, 2013


I need a holiday from my holiday.

So exhausted and sore.

Two more days and then my parents leave, 4 more days and then I'll be boarding a plane for Manila. All I really want to do is go home to Hiroshima, sleep in my bed & watch all my tv shows and start eating properly again. Oh and go to physio.

Currently very hungover on the Shinkansen to Osaka after a boozy few days in Tokyo.

I love Tokyo. But I love my quiet, laid back less crowded Hiroshima more.
