I've been back in NZ for 3 months..yep that's a whole 1/4 of a year and I haven't done much. I'm starting to go a stir crazy and not being able to find a job is really starting to get me down. Don't get me wrong waking up everyday when ever I want, living a life of semi luxury is great - long lunches in a cafe with a good book and great coffee, going to the gym whenever I feel like it, having the freedom to do small things like take my niece to school and run her around to her various activities etc. is great but now I'm starting to get bored. There is only so much I can take - I want/need a regular job. I've never been very good at managing my time so give a whole bunch of free time and I end up being less productive then when I have no free time at all. Not to mention the lack of money which constrains me to this town....aarrgghhh. I am teaching part time, but right now that part time is not enough! Anyway I do not want to rant any longer I have exciting things ahead and as long as my pension refund comes soon i'll be happy!! I'm also trying to look at this transition period as a time of growth for me and that what I am doing is worth something. Taking time out to think about what I really want to be doing and what I need to do to get there..watch this space.
Among the boredom and over thinking there has been beautiful sunsets, gymming - having a gym buddy is great (although I still prefer to run alone), making new friends, getting my tan on in this weird sporadic is it summer is it winter weather, getting crazy headaches, dressing up just to go get coffee, wearing my Hiroshima Carp straw hat which made me miss Hiroshima so much, feeling nostalgic about Japan and putting my Hello Kitty Hiroshima key chain and the Sakura one from Disneyland on my keys - seeing that everyday makes me so happy, learning body pump, teaching my body pump class, watching the Breakers, school holiday fun, weekend trip to Wellington on the bus (that's another post), giving my vege garden positive vibe to grow, receiving a box of goodies from my wonderful friends in Japan and baking, baking, baking!
Things will look up...trying to stay positive and looking for ways to fight my boredom. First things first come Monday I will be setting a regular bedtime (and sticking to it!) and wake up time. Oh and the diet starts again...
School holiday cupcake factory |
Vege garden is coming along! |
Tae Kwon Do selfie |
Practicing Body Pump on the bus |
Guess which keys are mine! |
Presents and the cutest card from Japan! |
Those clouds! |
Hiroshima Carp Selfie |